(Following is the manifesto, summary and guided Medicine Buddha meditation I offered at 125th annual convention at Halcyon, California from August 3. to August 11. 2024.)
Thank you all for coming, it is nice to be here at Halcyon again. Previous time when I was here your Guardian and Chief introduced me as a Buddhist which is a big compliment that inspired me to be realistic about it and define myself, my spiritual path for you in more realistic way as EXPERIENCEalist … so even i will present to you in 3 days sessions a Tibetan Buddhist practice of Medicine Buddha Sange Menla please have in mind i am not a Buddhist per se but actually am a simple EXPERIENCEalist – meaning I am talking to you and with you from my own experience, or from meditation practice points and insights which came to me by trial and error, many many trials and errors to be precise.
Generally speaking in Tibetan Mahayana, Vajrayana Buddhist practice we have two kinds of meditation and mind training: calm abiding and deep insight.
Meditation i will be talking about is the second kind – deep insight and in this specific case deep insight or training of the mind in power of active processing in order to heal ourselves and though that all living beings. So why is Medicine Buddha – Supreme Healer on our schedule during next there days sessions?
First let’s remind ourselves of the full name of our immune system as it is defined in the books of medicine. Our immune system full name, first middle and last is PSYCHO-NEURO—ENDOCTRINO- IMMUNE system.
So we are talking our mind influencing our neuro system which then controls producing of internal secretions that are transported around the body by the bloodstream.
So thats why Medicine Buddha – Supreme Healer is very much needed now? Trough training of our mind to become inseparable from Medicine Buddha mind we are wearing the armor of self healing and trough that discipline healing the global scene for all living beings, no exception.
So lend me your ears for a short manifesto on why this joint experience can be very constructive.
In my observation we common, regular tax paying people now days feel major built-in acceleration of time itself… and better than dismissing it as our own psychological perception of our society on the verge of something, and after examining it to best of my abilities, i trust that this way, way much faster time we are living in now should be understood as new and never stoping manifestations of laws of biochemistry, physics, quantum physics, divine light and karma… playing out in the wheel of time!
Kalachakra in Tibetan, and as you who saw my documentary film know there is a meditation practice of Kalachakra, like we have here Sange Menla.
Of this “reality of the matter” or our experiencing where we live some calendars like Mayan, Indian and Tibetan have a built in countdown, based on equations and planets movement patterns, sacred and secret lineage realizations and so on … but this complex and different subject of time cycles and other periods of time management maybe some other time, or in some other lifetime 🙂
… here and now i trust our collective intuition is right and time is really speeding up and bringing need for major reformating!
The trajectory is clear into new epoch of human living intelligence, and not living “mahahuman kind” of intelligence taking us to singularity experience.
The singularity as you know is the idea that artificial intelligence will eventually surpass human intelligence so much and fundamentally changing human existence. Soon it’s clear we will be meeting data base so huge the algorythm correcting itself to maha-mega-intelligent non material environment available to us 24/7. First available and then unavodable.
We will be reformating human being into maha data being human in our physical bodies.
Eventually nanotechnology will enable these chips to culminate in our individual brains directly expanding with layers of virtual neurons in the cloud and becoming one, knowing languages or playing instruments by decision to opt for it in the settings.
In this way we will merge with AI and therefore ethics in it this domain is absolutely neccesary.
These are the most exciting years in all of our history and we cant miss this boat because of old selfish low resolution profit ethics! And only lower chakras functioning. We are going to be able to form simulations which replicate a liberated and enlightened person we want to be, not some sick porn and wars game nut.
By us storing and re-organizing all information with ethics roots and ethics ground AI will advance even more rapidly to its own enlightenment … also expects ‘highly realistic’ non-biological recreations of people, and forever living bodies.
So we humans incarnations (so fortunate to be incarnated like human beings, never forget that) are part of this mega maha process with no return to the “good old” flip phones 🙂 and all rest already known to us… we are gliding into something very very different – a brand new era – and therefore we must get going at opening up and training our minds in the mighty methods and knowhow, and be disciplined in training our mind as much as possible in doing self healing and building our 3 bodies (Dharmakaya, Sambogakaya and Nirmanakaya) maintenance options, and frankly incredible improvement, because the culmination of this amazing process and unseen changes into new era is within a short historical time, as we can feel and see it already.
Somebody might say o don’t be “conspiratorial” its gonna be the same like year 2000. came and went or with Mayan 2012. that came and went sans major trouble. Or to be more precise that is how it appears in human forms relating to events in the wheel of time.
To those who are smart like that offer this:
even if the mentioned calendars are “off” like Mayans were “off” regarding their 2012. calculus, or Tibetans might be a bit off with their year 2525. “prediction”, or more precise calculation of time periods – that amount of linear time even if it is few hundred years off – that is nothing if we know how long our mother Earth exists, you understand. Mama Earth is here for 4.5 billion years and ongoing in cycles where 100 or any number of human years are like a grains of sand on the river Ganga; and in this forever-lasting process few hundred years of miscalculation do not make much difference.
So we are all here at the end game of today 2024 years ano domini of developemantal processes on this very very old much much older
planet and on the edge of era change. From currently ruling Darvin’s
theory and practice of survival of the fittest in the struggle for life we are on the gates into mahahuman human liberation and enlightenment.
You might not like it but Darvin’s theory and practice of survival of the fittest is totally overwhelming foundational belief and practice of how our current era operates. I win you loose, sorry, those are the rules of the game on Earth. We don’t have time for elaboration now but in the nutshell a current padigma allowing people to willy-nilly accept how millions of people are hungry while we throw so much food away, and like o I am sorry, and we feel bed and will do our best to help and so on but that does not change the ruling paradigma.
So for how long will it last, OBVIOUSLY not way to long anymore since we are witnessing it and therefore, to be responsible in our tectonik times we should approach our mind training with calm sense of urgency and responsibility at the gates of new us.
… not to mention the chip implantation or for us who are open to it a marriage of a mega maha all info chip with our physical or gross bodies as called in trikaya – 3 bodies – understanding of what’s going on.
Sisters and brothers we are talking from 100 hrtz which is our current communication frequency to 100 mega and then gihahrtz… this will make this fast time of ours now feel like stone age, in 5 years, or a decade!
Can you even imagine, no we cant really imagine honestly… and it will go like that always: new degrees of freedom and enpowerment we should harmonize with and ride our incarnations on what is inescapable.
Some of you might say stop the earth I am getting off this madhouse … but that is not the option because this is how it is when we move to next dimension in socializing which is larger than current human understanding, and attitude and era.
So therefore we gotta train our mind to 1 calm abide and rest our mind to be resliliant in challenges of life in material plane known as sansara.
But also we should develop deep insight into already existing mind training tools to cormilate and be managers and pilots of our 3 bodies. Therefore Medicine Buddha – Sange Menla – Great Healer
practice which is harmonizing and stablizing harmonious interplay of
our 3 bodies is of cardinal importance. We gonna be uNrecognizable to ourselves in the new transcendental and transformative environment we gonna live in no time, so to speak.
Time for metanoia… so let me offer you a bit of historical and lineage context on Medicine Buddha practice itself.
Myth story goes all Sange Menla healing wisdom self appeared out from the Akasha to Tibetan Yarlang Valley near Lhasa.
However and more closer to so called “reality” stand the factual knowledge that a 8th century great Fifth Dalai Lama organized a world wide congress of healers. They came from Greece, Persia, India and China and while in Tibet offering their in depth presentations on medical knowledge for entire year. And then it was all examined and articulated in comprehensive collection of Sange Menla sutras and tantras and paintings … out of all that Medicine Buddha deep insight on healing and self healing practices have been developed … with proven wisdom and skills and knowhow provided by masters from aincient times! And transferred to us by unbroken lineage.
During this convention the guardian and chef has so eloquently presented Halcyon direction and goals; and one of them, if not the most important of them is to make sure next generations, our kids and grandkids gets all wisdom Halcyon lineages got; as we got it from our own lineage masters and elders, … so they – our offsprings continue from with wisdom from beginingless time that we are holding on now!
So this presentation of Medicine Buddha once all is said and done can be summarized by AI meets AI
Ancient Intelligence meets Artificial Intelligence 🙂 … because back to Medicine Buddha, we should present and leave for future generations a Medicine Buddha as an interactive game of healing and self healing and that is my mission.
Back to Medicine Buddha present here at our convention in this majestic and magic Blue Star Temple more than 100 years old and with all that accumulated energy with us, and with pure intention we gonna now share the following recitation and visualization; with motivation of doing it for all living beings.
This is a daily practice and more we do it as a daily practice more we will be able to access and live in the realm of Supreme Healer, which is ultimately out liberated and enlightened self.